
Python Client

launchflow.createCreate resources in a project and environment.
launchflow.connectConnect resources in a project and environment. This will store connection info for the resources in the environment.
launchflow.cleanClean resources in a project and environment. This will remove any resources that are part of the environment but not part of the resources list. This is the inverse of create.
launchflow.destroyDestroy all resources and services for a given environment. This will prompt you to select which resources and services to include before destroying.

GCP Resources

launchflow.gcp.GCSBucketCreate and connect to a GCS Bucket hosted on GCP.
launchflow.gcp.CloudSQLPostgresCreate and connect to a Postgres database hosted on GCP.
launchflow.gcp.ComputeEngineRedisCreate and connect to Redis on GCP Compute Engine.
launchflow.gcp.ComputeEnginePostgresCreate and connect to Postgres on GCP Compute Engine.
launchflow.gcp.MemorystoreRedisCreate and connect to Redis on GCP Memorystore.
launchflow.gcp.SecretManagerSecretCreate and connect to a secret stored in GCP Secret Manager

AWS Resources and connect to a S3 Bucket hosted on AWS. and connect to a Postgres database hosted on AWS. and connect to a Redis cluster hosted on AWS. and connect to Redis hosted on AWS EC2 instance. and connect to Postgres hosted on AWS EC2 instance. and connect to a secret stored in AWS Secrets Manager


launchflow accounts getGet information about a specific account.
launchflow accounts listList accounts that you have access to.
launchflow cleanClean up any resources that are not in the current directory but are part of the project / environment.
launchflow connectConnect your LaunchFlow account to a cloud provider (AWS or GCP).
launchflow config getPrint out the current LaunchFlow config.
launchflow config set-default-account-idSet the default account ID for the LaunchFlow CLI.
launchflow connectInitialize connection information for resources.
launchflow createCreate any resources that are not already created.
launchflow deployDeploy a deployment to your cloud.
launchflow environments createCreate a new environment in a LaunchFlow project.
launchflow environments getGet information about a specific environment.
launchflow environments listList all environments in a LaunchFlow project.
launchflow initInitialize a new launchflow project.
launchflow loginLogin to LaunchFlow. If you haven't signup this will create a free account for you.
launchflow logoutLogout of LaunchFlow.
launchflow projects createCreate a new project in your account.
launchflow projects deleteDelete a project.
launchflow projects getGet information about a specific project.
launchflow projects listLists all current projects in your account.
launchflow resources getFetch information about a resource.
launchflow resources listList all resources in a project/environment.
launchflow secrets setSet the value of a secret managed by LaunchFlow.